Please be advised that ​AHS' IT resources are being prioritized to address clinically-related request.  For researchers who are employed by the University of Alberta or the University of Calgary, please see below for other remote access options.

​University of Alberta
​University of Calgary
​University of Alberta IST (Information Support & Technology:  Technical Resources | Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (ualberta.ca)​​​
​University of Calgary IT:  https://ucalgary.service-now.com/it
How to submit:
​Follow the instructions on the FoMD Technical Resources pages to request your access to Virtual Computer System (VCS) (https://vcs.med.ualberta.ca/) and also ask for access to PartnerApps. Any further questions, please contact the IST at the University of Alberta: ist@ualberta.ca

How to submit:​
Request your UofC Remote Access via Remote Desktop Access (RDA) (
https://ucalgary.service-now.com/it?id=kb_article&sys_id=dcf587dbdb6348d8f710777a8c961946) and then apply for your PartnerApps access
VCS desktops can access Netcare, Connect Care, eClinician and other localized sytems such as AGFA IMPAX, Healthquest, Intelerad Medical Systems, and OTTR 6 Patient Tracking System. If additional access is required, UofA IST can request through AHS.  AHS network folders/file shares are also accessible from VCS desktops.

If you have a University of Calgary-issued desktop computer that is currently hardwired into the UofC network (i.e. you have not taken this computer home), you will qualify for the RDA solution.

PartnerApps is a service that allows UCalgary clinical faculty and staff to access Alberta Health Services (AHS) clinical applications and file share Jeeves. Currently, the portal provides access to Clinibase, Cerner Millennium, Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM), Netcare eClinibase, CCIS Paris, Pacs/Impax, and AHS file share Jeeves from UCalgary computers.

If the above does not apply to you, contact Research.Administration@ahs.ca to discuss additional options.​


 Forms for AHS Research Access

USER APPROVAL:  I am a new user or I need to make changes to my existing access

There are many clinical information and datasets (including Connect Care-CIS) within AHS that can be made available for research use.  The process to requests and obtain approval for the use of these systems requires REB-approval for the access.  Access to AHS systems for research use is also centrally managed by AHS' Health System Access (HSA) team (previously known as Provincial Research Administration). 

To request AHS IT access for your REB-approved study, please complete this form:  https://bit.ly/3Atcngk

​This form will accept the following requests:

  • AHS network account login
  • Netcare (with or without remote access)
  • AHS electronic medical record access (including Connect Care-CIS, SCM, eClinician, Netcare, etc.)
  • Training requests for using Connect Care research functionalities
    • On the form, make the selection "Direct access to AHS electronic health record systems" and then choose Connect Care in the "Electronic Health Record System Request" section on the form
    • The training you require and the access you receive is determined by the Connect Care ROLE you are assigned.  To help identify the appropriate role(s) you require for your job, use the Connect Care Research Role Selector Tool.
  • Shared drive access
  • Remote user network access (RUNA)
  • Access for external research monitors (via Connect Care Portal)​ ​


STUDY APPROVAL:  I have a new or existing study that requires approval for Connect Care or other new AHS data sources

Connect Care Tip:  To help determine the appropriate level of Connect Care access for your study can be found here.

 Forms for Connect Care Related Requests

​If you already have access to AHS' network and have a request specifically related to the research access for the Connect Care - Clinical Information System (CC-CIS), please review the instructions below and submit the appropriate form for your needs. 

RESEARCH BUILD REQUEST:  My research study requires a system "build" or customization that requires IT resources and support.


CHANGE REQUEST:  I need to submit a Connect Care change request to update existing information

The change requests accepted by this form include any updates to existing Connect Care study record information.


CONNECT CARE PORTAL - Research Monitor Access

If you have been provisioned with a Connect Care account for research monitoring purposes and have questions about how to access the portal, please review the detailed instructions HERE.


Helpful Information

For Connect Care Conversion Use ONLY:  I would like to submit study information for access to Connect Care for research purposes (write or read-only access)


Contact an Health System Access Advisor to request Connect Care access for any existing or ongoing studies.  Tips to help determine the appropriate level of access for your study can be found here.